Heartburn No More Review - Is it worth trying? The truth is here!

10 minute read
Heartburn No More Review - Is it worth trying? The truth is here!

You would certainly like to live your life to the fullest. Wouldn’t you? I mean, would you like to live your life in such a way that there are no limitations or restrictions?

Your answer would certainly be yes. Nobody likes restrictions of any kind.

For food, we appreciate having our freedom even more. Eating what you want, when you want, is a basic right. You really appreciate that, don’t you? Well, unfortunately, we can’t all do that. Some of us have to stick to strict diets.

Those who have to stick to strict diets don’t do it because they want to. Nor is it because of strict orders from a doctor. It’s because they know too well the consequences of going against the diet.

Let’s say, for example, that you are trying to lose weight. In a nutshell, your problem is eating high-calorie foods.

This will not affect the practitioner or transmitter of the diet. The harm will only be to you. Your weight loss efforts will prove futile, as will the consequences of obesity - health consequences.

Thinking about this, the review will look in depth at a particular condition that affects us. A health problem that you can encounter after eating or drinking certain types of food and drinks, respectively.


This is basically a burning sensation that you feel in the chest area and results from the stomach backing up acid into the food pipe. This burning sensation occurs primarily in the middle-and upper part of your chest. Specifically, in the area immediately behind the breastbone.

In addition, the sensation can go from bad to worse depending on your body position. It gets worse when you lie on your right side or flat.

When you talk about heartburn, it is very important that you realize it is actually gastroesophageal reflux disease, abbreviated as GERD.

What it is

It often occurs after taking irritants, such as the following foods, medications or drinks;



Carbonated beverages.



Orange, grapefruit and pineapple (acidic juices)


Tomatoes, oranges and grapefruits (acidic foods)


Besides consuming the above products, the following behaviors and conditions can also put you at risk for heartburn;




Hiatal hernia.



In severe cases, shortness of breath may also accompany the pain you feel. Even worse, it can cause contractions in your neck and arms.

In this review, unlike other reviews, your learning comes first. That’s why we take it one step at a time. You’ve experienced episodes of heartburn. What remedy should you choose? Here you’ll learn what to do.

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The Remedy

With any condition or disease, our first goal is usually to find a cure or solution to the problem. More often than not, we turn to over-the-counter medications only to find that they are nothing but a complete rip-off.

But you don’t have to keep suffering from heartburn. Heartburn No More is here to save you.

The product: Heartburn No More

The Author

As with other reviews you’ve come across, you’ll realize that the author is not to be overlooked. Jeff Martins is a nutritionist, author of the program. As I mentioned, he has a lot of experience with digestive issues and healthy eating.

With him, it’s not a gamble. He has done research and analysis that has taken him years. He mainly studied alternative remedies to cure heartburn and provide you with relief.

Once the research was complete, he spent another six months compiling his findings.

Say no to modern medicine

If your recourse for heartburn has been modern medicine, consider stopping. The pills they prescribe only you provide temporary relief. The actual source of the problem is not being addressed. In fact, these pills work by attacking our systems.

With Heartburn No More, a traditional method is used to treat the origin of heartburn. The focus is on alleviating the symptoms. By adhering to this method, you will take corrective and preventive measures to stop heartburn for good.

To begin with, just know that Heartburn No More is a product that first raises awareness of what you put in your mouth. Such discussions are commonplace and you will see them when you use our product. They built this product to show you the causes that lead to this pain and indicator of poor health. If this is the case, then Heartburn No More will show you the essential steps you need to take to avoid heartburn recurrence and stop relying on medication to treat it.

In the E-Book

What exactly do you get when you purchase this e-book? Let’s take a quick look at what’s inside.

Like all excellent instructors, the book begins with a general explanation of heartburn. Heartburn No More will explain how a simple two-day detox will help you prepare for a life without heartburn.

Wait until you read the section on nutrition and life support. You’ll find a wide range of benefits. For example, increasing fiber in your diet, reducing fat, and also the impact it has on your overall health.

In particular, you will learn about your body’s ability to absorb sugars such as fructose, glucose, and lactose and how they help or hinder your enzymes.

As you progress, you will identify foods known to cause gas. It will explain how they affect digestion.

Take it further

Jeff also gives you ways to maintain a good acid and alkaline balance in your diet. In addition, you will get a classification of toxic foods that you should try to avoid at all costs.

I covered evaluation of dietary supplements commonly sold online or in health food stores in the third step of Heartburn No More. Martin also takes the time to identify which supplements are a scam and which one’s work.

It is in step four of the pdf that you will get the secrets regarding detoxification that are actually revealed to you. Implementing this step helped it achieve heartburn reversal. It is the holistic approach that is championed here by the author. It also includes taking care of the body through fasting.

This product explains five categories of individuals who have the greatest risk of suffering from acid reflux and also heartburn and also other gastrointestinal problems. In the end, you will have a better understanding of why and how this condition occurs.

Where can you buy Heartburn No More?

Heartburn No More is available on the official website.

Turning to acid

Growing up, especially on an American diet, we eat a lot of acidic foods. For most of us, we never really had a PH balanced diet. Our plates comprised acidic things all the time.

As children, it is quite rare to develop GERD or even notice heartburn. In my case, I noticed something was wrong when I turned 21.

In the United States, the legal drinking age is 21. Of course, I had had some experiences with alcohol in the past, but once I reached that age, I gave in to social norms.

Suddenly, alcohol was an integral part of almost every social interaction. And the hangovers appeared. Now, as an adult, I know that tons of electrolytes help. However, when I was in college, I would just grab a coffee and move on.

This, coupled with my acidic daily diet, took a toll on my stomach.

Heartburn is not normal!

As I mentioned, this is actually quite normal in young people. Therefore, the consequences of these actions are also normal.

I remember once describing my heartburn to a friend, who said that he had experienced it sometimes and laughed about it. “It comes with age.” he said. I wasn’t convinced, but I didn’t stop.

However, several years later, the heartburn was very painful. I remember getting anxious whenever I felt it coming. I knew it was going to hurt.

Now, in my late 30s, I talked to other friends about it and they also told me it was normal, but it didn’t feel normal.

The doctor’s help

Gradually, things got worse. At some point, I decided I had had enough and made an appointment with my doctor. However, because of the rigged insurance system, I had to wait months to get an appointment.

Once there, the doctor took more time filling out paperwork than examining me. Almost automatically, he diagnosed me with GERD, and by the time I got home, the pharmacy had already filled my prescriptions.

It’s an insurance issue.

The doctor mentioned acidity and that I needed to cut down on coffee, alcohol, and fruit juice. To me, this seemed like a ready-made answer. I was determined not to live like this.

Looking outside

The problem with me is that I am convinced that although our bodies naturally deteriorate. Feeling so bad about it is not normal. I knew I had an option.

Also, most of the problems you face, a lot of other people have faced them too, and some have been lucky to get through it. I needed to find them.

So, since it seemed like everyone I knew would accept living with GERD forever, I searched the internet.

As I mentioned earlier, GERD is very common. Because of this, thousands of people have searched for something that could help them and have done it. Those who have succeeded have shared their experiences online. Like me, who is currently writing an article about Heartburn No More.

However, there seemed to be so many remedies and helpful information. I didn’t know where to start.

Heartburn No More

In my search for the one thing that could help me make sense of it all, I came across reviews of Heartburn No More and checked it out.

Reasonable price, money-back guarantee, and people mentioned the product seemed to have been thoroughly researched. So I tried it.

From the start, it was as if someone had written it exactly for me. It was only then that I identified how I had caused GERD in myself. Even scarier, the consequences of not treating it properly.

However, he also offers great natural solutions to balance your PH, keep your stomach healthy and avoid cancer, ulcers and other horrible consequences.

How it helped me

I have to be honest; this was a tough one. My GERD had already taken a toll on my stomach and esophagus. If I had studied this book earlier, I would have avoided so many unnecessary pills and changes. But what they have done has been done.

With this new health compass, I took it upon myself to never look back at GERD again. Again, I was in a terrible place, so I eliminated certain foods and drinks from my diet completely.

However, as I went through it, I noticed that they actually designed the guide to allow you to “manage” your acid intake. This means that you can continue to consume your favorite foods and beverages, but at a frequency and in a way that won’t hurt you.

Long story short, after a month, the constant burning was gone, my bloating was greatly reduced and even my headaches were gone! It’s not just about your stomach, it’s about bringing the sunshine back into your life.

Final Verdict

Unlike using medications you get at the drugstore to treat chronic acid reflux, the Heartburn No More program has only positive side effects. The dietary changes result in increased energy, better concentration and better sleep. Place your order now and be on your way to a different you. Get your copy.

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This program focuses on the very root of heartburn; unlike other remedies offered, this one does not just relieve the symptoms.

The program is easily accessible; since it is online, you can access it as long as you have a working internet connection.

What is impressive about this product is how easy it is to understand its contents. There are no complications.

It is natural; the remedies in this product are natural and have no known adverse side effects.

You get a 60-day money-back guarantee. In case you feel the program is not up to your expectations, you can appeal to this provision.


The Heartburn No More program requires you to make some changes to your diet, which can sometimes be uncomfortable to adhere to, as we mentioned at the beginning of this article.


Heartburn No More is a simplified, effective and very affordable guide. It works like a charm and is much better than what your doctor would prescribe as a heartburn remedy.

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