Eat Stop Eat Review - The Next Solution for Weight Loss?

Eat Stop Eat Review - The Next Solution for Weight Loss?

When most of you are asked how you can lose weight, I’m sure the answer that comes to mind is training and exercise. But what exactly is weight loss?

We gain weight because of an increase in fat and calories stored in the body.

And when we lose weight, it’s about burning all those calories and shredding all that fat stored in our body. With that in mind, I would like to mention that there are many ways to force your body to lose the extra calories.

And some of these methods do not involve training at all.

Not everyone can exercise. You may be too heavy or there may be other complications. But that doesn’t mean you can’t lose weight. In this review, we will look at the Eat Stop Eat guide that helps people lose weight with a unique method.

What is the Eat Stop Eat guide?

It is a guide that helped overweight people lose weight through intermittent fasting.

The intermittent fasting technique involves skipping meals at certain intervals to force your body to use up the fat it has stored and break it down.

In this way, you lose weight. One advantage of this method is that it does not restrict what you eat like other weight loss techniques. Instead, it focuses on when you eat.

Another aspect of this program is that it also aims to help you avoid chronic diseases. When you take the Eat Stop Eat course, you are required to fast up to two times a week. Each fasting period lasts 24 hours.

Who developed this program?

The Eat Stop Eat program is the work of Brad Pilon. He is an expert in nutrition, apart from other specialties in which he has extensive experience. Brad Pilon has done research and discovered that fasting at regular intervals helps to eliminate calories faster and build muscle even more than programs that involve cutting out certain types of food from the diet.

The basic principles of the program

The program is fairly simple. As I mentioned, you will need to fast two days a week. These days do not have to be consecutive. According to Pilon, fasting will reduce your calories by up to 10%. Each fast will last twenty-four hours.

“Believe in yourself when no one else does - that makes you a winner right there.” - Venus Williams

There are no specific days set for this, and you will choose them yourself.

If, for example, you decide to fast on Tuesday, then the next time you fast, it will be a day like Saturday. Timing is everything. You should always check when you start your fast so you know when to end it.

For example, if you start the fast on Tuesday at 8:00 am, it should last until Wednesday at 8:00 am.

However, fasting for 24 hours can be very difficult. It is not mandatory too fast for the entire duration of the fast. Fasting for 20 hours should be enough, but you should not fast for less than that.

When you are not fasting, you can eat whatever you want, but we should do it at a controlled rate. If you consume too many calories, you will only restore what you have lost and will not make any progress.

Try to consume about 2000 calories maximum.

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How to behave on fasting days and when you are not fasting

When you are observing intermittent fasting, take in as few calories as possible. You can have simple drinks like tea, coffee or water. When you are not fasting, you are free to eat whatever you want. There are no foods that are restricted.

Eat plenty of carbohydrates to help you regain your energy, but don’t overdo it. The author also recommends that you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

And of course, don’t forget about protein. Consume an average of 100 grams during the days you are not fasting.

It is also crucial that you monitor yourself during this program. If you notice you are gaining weight on the non-fasting days, reduce your calorie intake by at least 10%.

What should your Eat Stop Eating program look like?

“Your body hears everything your mind tells you. Just keep going. You can!” - Anon.

During the program, your Eat Stop Eating program should look like this:

Avoid eating anything for 24 hours, either in one sitting or two. This means not eating anything during that time.

You can choose your start time, as it can be flexible; just be sure to stick to the 24-hour fasting plan.

When the fasting period is over, try to prepare normal-sized meals and not meals that are too large for you. This means eating lightly, not heavy.

Be sure to exercise regularly for the best results.

Are there any exercises I should do?

If you only want to lose weight, that’s fine; you don’t need to do any exercises when using this program. However, if you also want to strengthen your muscles, you will need to engage in some simple exercises. We should do these on non-fasting days. These exercises are specifically for muscle building and have no other purpose.

Where can you buy Eat Stop Eat?

Eat Stop Eat is available on the official website.

Final verdict

Eat Stop Eat program is not a scam. Studies and user reviews have also shown that it works really well for those who sign up for it. It is, however, a tough program to follow, as you will need to show a lot of self-control.

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All kinds of people can use the program. Anyone who wants to lose weight by limiting their food intake can use this program, and it will bring them excellent results.

The program has a scientific basis. It is based on intermittent fasting, a weight loss method that has been researched and proven to help obese people lose a lot of weight consistently.

You can develop and maintain more lean muscle mass. Through this program, you will build your muscles and increase their mass, which will help you tone them as you wish.

The program is suitable for those who are too lazy or unable to exercise. Above, if you want a simple solution that does not involve exhaustive exercises, this is your simple solution.

The program is supposed to have health benefits. According to some studies, when the program was tested on animals, we found they could prevent certain types of diseases. Although tests are not yet complete on humans, they show it is possible that the program can help reduce the risk of certain diseases.

The program is also quick and affordable. Those with busy schedules can use the program even because it does not take much time. It is also very cheap and, guess what, there is a money-back guarantee within 60 days of using the program. So you will have enough time to see for yourself if you can do it or not.

You can customize your plan. This program has instructions that tell you when to fast, when not too fast, and what to eat when you are not fasting. The choice is yours.


The program requires a lot of discipline and self-control. Since you will be allowed to eat whatever you want on non-fasting days, you will have to be very careful to avoid consuming excessive calories. Few people can control themselves in this case, which is why the program may not be suitable for everyone.

Certain types of people, for example, diabetics and pregnant women, can not use the program.


The Eat, Stop, Eat program is a viable program that helps reduce a lot of weight. Although it is difficult to adhere to, I recommend it to those who want something easier to follow and less restrictive than exercise. If this is what you are looking for, then buy it today.

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