Symptoms of fibroids and seeking treatment for fibroids

Symptoms of fibroids and seeking treatment for fibroids

Uterine fibroids are one of the most common tumors of the uterus. They are usually benign (non-cancerous). Although most fibroids do not produce any symptoms, many other women experience a variety of fibroid symptoms that can be very distressing sometimes. This article discusses the symptoms of fibroids and finding treatment for fibroids.

Fibroid tumors

We usually find these tumors in the wall's muscle of the uterus. These tumors may develop as a single tumor or as a group of tumors in the uterus. They can also be small or large and, in most cases, do not contain cancerous properties. Estrogen production and other hormonal changes usually determine the growth of fibroids. This explains why uterine fibroids usually decrease in size after menopause, when estrogen production decreases.


Although the exact cause of uterine fibroids is unknown, women with a family history of these tumors are susceptible to developing fibroids. Another factor is that although fibroids affect all races of women, black women are more affected by these tumors than women of other races. The exact reason for this is unknown.

Other risk factors include never having given birth, being overweight, having a menstrual cycle that began before the age of 10, etc.

Symptoms of fibroids

1. If you feel pressure on the bladder, causing an increased need to urinate or frequent urination.

2. You may experience constipation due to pressure on the rectum from fibroid tumors.

3. Another symptom of fibroids is irregularity of the menstrual cycle, including excessive bleeding that may contain clots. 4.

4. You may feel pain or pressure in the pelvic area, which is another common symptom of fibroids.

5. Fibroid tumors can also cause an increase in waist size.

6. Infertility is another symptom of fibroids that some women may experience.

Treatment of fibroids

Since most fibroids do not cause significant problems, doctors can rely on a watch-and-wait approach. This involves the use of ultrasound, usually annually, to determine if the size of the fibroids has changed or if the tumors contain cancerous cells.

Traditional medicine related to the treatment of fibroids also involves the use of various prescriptions and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, birth control pills to control hormone levels, various medications to reduce bleeding, fibroid size, etc.

When all other avenues have been exhausted, surgery may be prescribed. The most common is a hysterectomy, which involves the removal of the uterus. Without a uterus and uterine lining, fibroids cannot occur. Although this permanently eliminates fibroids, women who undergo this procedure lose the possibility of ever having biological children.

Other surgical procedures include myomectomy, coagulation of the blood supply to tumors, etc. myomectomy involves removing only the fibroids while leaving the uterus intact. Blood clotting is a newer procedure that involves surgery to starve the tumor of blood, hoping to reduce the size of the tumor.

These surgical procedures, medications, etc. have risk factors and side effects, and are also expensive for most women.

A less expensive method that has no side effects and is an effective treatment for fibroids is the natural or holistic approach, which has proven to be very effective for many women with fibroids and capable of providing long-term relief.

Check Our Recommendation!

With Fibroid Miracle, you can successfully rid yourself of fibroids. Using natural solutions, this guide created by Amanda Leto contains a step-by-step process that will eradicate uterine fibroids and prevent you from potential complications.. 

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Natural methods use a variety of approaches, including lifestyle changes, natural herbs and vitamins, diet changes, etc., to treat the root cause of the tumors in order to permanently cure fibroids.

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