Tattoo removal methods

Tattoo removal methods

You should thank your local grocery store–it literally built you into the person you are.

Think about it: most of the cells of your body are replaced in days, months, or a few years. And what are they replaced with?

Food. Food you buy from your local grocery store. The food literally turns into you.

I bring this interesting thought up to help you understand just how powerful food-borne chemicals can be in altering your body. And yes, that includes removal of skin tattoo ink.

In fact, not only is there a way to do so at your grocery store, there are several ways, using different ingredients, to do the same job. Here are just a few of those tattoo removal methods.

Tattoo removal methods 1: salabrasion

The salabrasion technique uses a mixture of water and granular salts, along with light sanding, to literally wipe the tattoo away using micro-friction.

Remember that salts are microscopic crystals, a fact obvious to tiny insects, but forgotten by large human beings. They have the same effect when applied to the skin in the correct way. No tool is right for everyone, but the salabrasion technique is one of the first I turn to when a tattoo removal client wishes to do a full removal in less than a month.

Tattoo removal methods 2: Aloe vera and yogurt

What if I told you could remove a tattoo and actually nourish the surrounding skin at the same time? You’d probably think I was trying to pull a fast one.

But applying aloe vera and yogurt in a specific formula, 3 to 4 times a day, has been shown to naturally exfoliate tattoos. This alongside providing vitamin E and other skin healthy nutrients directly to the skin. The aloe vera method is brilliant for women and anyone with sensitive skin.

Tattoo removal methods 3: The sand powder method

Now we’re getting rougher. Sand powder is irritating to the skin, so I don’t recommend this method to clients who have young or gentle skin. But for those willing to deal with the mild irritation for several weeks, this is one of the most effective and expedient natural removal methods there is.

Like the other methods discussed, we apply directly sand powder to the skin surface after a careful antibacterial wash and drying. The best way to apply the sand powder is using a soft washcloth or towel soaked in warm water. Sponges also work for this.

The sand powder will act as a deep exfoliating agent, speeding up the skin cell rejuvenation process and pulling the deep layers of the skin, along with the ink and bedded, to the surface where it is then simply wiped away.

These methods come with their pros and cons. The Laserless Tattoo Removal Guide gives you the full details, along with advice on what to do and what not to do for your specific situation and goals.

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