The Effects of Marijuana on the Brain! The Intricacies Of The Human Mind.
We can consume marijuana. The most common, of course, is smoking it, but it has been made into brownies and ingested in many other ways. Regardless of the method used to consume marijuana, its effects are undeniable.
How marijuana works on human mind
The active component of marijuana, called THC, works directly on molecules in the brain to affect memory, mood and appetite. THC actually causes chain reactions in the brain’s neurotransmitters, resulting in a massive triggering of these neurotransmitters, and leading to the classic marijuana high.
Effects of the marijuana high on human mind
Feelings seem to be heightened, and a meaningless joke suddenly seems hilarious. Even the most ordinary foods suddenly taste great.
Although marijuana can have different effects on different people, the most common effects are feelings of relaxation or happiness. People may also feel like they have become smarter and can think better, but this is an illusion created by the drug.
In reality, human mind intelligence does not increase with marijuana.
Keep in mind that the drug can affect different people differently, and it is just as possible for a person to feel extremely paranoid while using marijuana or extremely irritable. In some rare cases, there have also been cases of violence.
How is the human mind altered when you use marijuana?
The functions of the mind are severely impaired when a person uses marijuana, the most important of which is the ability to concentrate. Another function of the mind that is seriously affected is memory, with a severe impairment in the ability to remember things and events, often even after the euphoria of marijuana has passed. Other aspects of the mind and body that are affected are concentration and the ability to manipulate the body, i.e. motor coordination.
Marijuana also affects a person’s ability to get information from their environment, while producing the opposite effect.
This can be extremely dangerous. A person believes their senses are massively heightened and that they can take in more information from their environment, when in reality, the opposite is true.
Marijuana can cause you to focus on a single point in your environment, and you may believe that you can see that point much better than when you are not under the influence of the drug. Unfortunately, you will see nothing but that one point in your environment. This kind of tunnel vision can have disastrous consequences... for example, if you are driving.
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Extensive studies have shown that people under the influence of marijuana have longer reaction times when driving.
They are also much slower to change lanes and take longer to brake when something unexpected happens. These delayed reactions may or may not result in accidents, but they are certainly not recommended.